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Supply Side Platform (SSP) Advertising: What it is, Benefits, How it Works, & More

In this blog, we will explore what is supply-side platform, how it works, and its key role in streamlining the programmatic AdTech ecosystem and what benefits it offers to publishers.

Cloud Migration Strategy: The 7R’s, Steps, Benefits, Challenges and Best Practices

Through this blog, we’ll help you better understand the 7Rs of a cloud migration strategy, key steps to migrate to the cloud, best practices, benefits, and common challenges, as well as solutions to achieve a seamless transition for your investments. So, let’s get started!

Data Warehouse Modernization: Achieve Data Intelligence for Improved Decision-making

Organizations understand the importance of capturing mission-critical data, but they often fail to realize that traditional data warehouses are hindered by limited scalability, growing operational overheads, and an inability to generate real-time insights or advanced analytics. Therefore, Data warehouse modernization becomes a strategic imperative to integrate advanced technologies and adopt new architectural paradigms for a data-first enterprise.

Re-Engineering Mobile App for Supply Chain Management & Analytics Solution Provider [Case Study]

Discover how we helped a North American manufacturing business with app modernization for their supply chain management and analytics platform and create a growth roadmap for business success.


Demand Side Platform (DSP) Advertising: What it is, Importance, Types & More

DSPs primarily focus on real-time, cross-channel buying of digital ad impressions across multiple channels such as webpages, display, mobile, video, social media, and CTV advertising. In this blog, we will walk you through the various aspects of demand-side platforms, including what they are, their benefits, types, and more.

AWS ECS vs EKS: Choosing the Right AWS Container Orchestration Service

Amazon Web Services, a leader in cloud computing, offers two widely used container management solutions, Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), to deploy and oversee containers within the AWS cloud. As the number of containers and their connections multiply, controlling and coordinating them over several computers and settings can become difficult. In this situation, “container orchestration platforms" become crucial. So, be it scalability, reliability, or integration with other AWS services, both ECS and EKS provide excellent outcomes.

Programmatic CTV Advertising: Benefits, Types, and More

One of the most significant shifts in the advertising landscape is the rise of programmatic CTV advertising. In today’s digital era, end-users increasingly rely on streaming platforms and connected TVs (CTVs) for digital content. This is where connected TV advertising is quickly becoming a leading format for advertisers to reach massive audiences. The data-driven approach allows advertisers to precisely target specific consumer groups segmented by geography, behavior, or demographics.

8 Data Engineering Best Practices for Building a Robust Data Infrastructure

Enterprises today rely on data-driven insights at speed, making reliable and high-quality data essential to gain competitive advantage. It is here that the data engineering teams must follow data engineering best practices to play a pivotal role, responsible for building robust infrastructures, executing jobs, and addressing diverse requests from analytics and BI teams.

AI in Cloud Computing: Explore the Synergy Between AI and Cloud Technology

The symbiotic relationship between Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing is propelling businesses forward in strategic, efficient, and insight-driven ways while driving digital transformation across the organizations. By 2026, cloud computing market is projected to double from its current valuation to $947 Billion, on the other hand AI market is expected to grow 5 times more in the same period with $309 Billion[ ].

Top IoT Use Cases Across Different Industries in 2024

The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as the most sought-after technology ecosystem that promotes digital transformation. It has proved to be beneficial both for end users as well as businesses. In recent years, IoT adoption has skyrocketed in almost all industries. The IoT market is expected to grow from $662.21 billion in 2023 to $3,352.97 billion by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 26.1% [1]. The businesses adopting & offering IoT experience drive considerable improvement in operations while solving operational challenges.

IoT Asset Tracking & Monitoring: Key Benefits, Technologies and Use Cases

In this blog post, we'll cover the benefits that effective IoT asset tracking can reap, and common technologies used. We have explored the detailed real-time use cases and applications of asset tracking using IoT for effective asset management.