Reasons and Essential Testing CoE Considerations
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Why Testing CoE Needs Consideration for Sustainable Business Success

22 Mar 2022

As a CEO, you’re ultimately responsible to create value for your clients and make strategic decisions that minimize operational overheads & maximize revenue. So then what do you have to do with testing? And, how does it affect your business success?

In today’s digital ecosystem, QA & continuous testing are the key drivers for developing future-ready products faster. The capability to accelerate release cycles while ensuring high service timelines & consistent quality is crucial – whether you’re deploying new software inhouse or delivering it to your clients. Even in the current digital-first world, periodic, efficient & end-to-end software testing is fundamental to staying competitive. Therefore, more and more companies are inclining towards having a testing center of excellence (TCoE) that ensures high business process quality & ultimately furthers a company’s growth.

Continue reading as we uncover the business benefits of a Testing Competency Center, compelling reasons to outsource testing, why your business needs an experienced tech partner, and more!

Key Contents

What is a Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE)?

When it comes to digital products, user experience directly depends on the code quality – a goal unattainable without a TCoE in place. It is a framework where testing is maintained as a centralized service and shared across the organization. With a competency center, the right amalgamation of tools, QA processes, and people empower organizations To build and deliver best quality software for the users. Further, it ensures that the organization leverages the benefit of scalability and robustness of QA function across projects.

But, building a center of excellence is only logical when a company has achieved outstanding knowledge & experience and has the required tech stack and resources to offer excellent services to global clients. Partnering with an experienced QA and testing service provider is a strategic business decision that can benefit you in multiple ways! Let’s find out how.

Why Partnering with a Software Testing Service Provider Makes Good Business Sense?

Reduced Infrastructure Costs

Setting up a complete software testing environment from scratch means a huge upfront cost. You need to buy new hardware & software testing tools which can take a toll on the project’s profitability.

A decision to offshore QA & testing can reduce your cost by 4X times. A testing capability center greatly expands your test coverage at the same cost while boosts ROI from timely bug detection and fixes.

Reduced Resource Management Efforts

With in-house performance & management of testing function, you have to invest your time and effort in recruiting, onboarding, training and managing people.

Having a tech partner that is fully equipped with all the testing tools and an experienced team – greatly reduces cost & effort of managing resources. This means stronger focus on faster product/software roll-out resulting in more happy clients/users.

Fast & Efficient Workflow

Merging the development & testing teams often makes it challenging for them to stay focused on core competencies while finding and fixing bugs. This in turn can strain tech teams to unfortunately create the product with bugs.

Having an offshore team makes processes much faster and more efficient. It reduces the burden on your team, ensures adherence to deadlines and reduces project cost. Plus, it frees up your in-house resources to focus on creating more products and scaling up your business.

Access to Advanced Tools & Varied Skillsets

A testing center of excellence is always up-to-date on advanced test automation tools, new technologies and evolving industry trends. The team will also have people with hands-on experience in different domains to cater to different client testing needs. They also provide consulting services to guide you through new software launches and updates.

Faster Time to Market

An experienced tech partner will have a predefined testing process and proven methodologies in place. They already know how to deliver high-quality service in a short duration, cutting down your time to launch. You can also double your dev team’s productivity by outsourcing the QA and testing activities to somebody who works in a different time zone.

For instance, if your company is in the US or Canada and you outsource to India, the massive time difference will mean that someone is always working on your product which will enable you to launch your product much faster. You can also leverage an international testing CoE to venture into new markets or to personalize your products for local audiences.

Does Your Business Need a Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE)?

A simple answer to that would be most definitely yes though if the listed criteria points work in your organization’s favor;

  • QA is aligned with project goals and not organizational goals: Without a centralized testing framework, the testing teams usually report to individuals and therefore might not share a common goal,  direction, or orientation.
    An in-house testing capability consolidates all testing functions under a single umbrella thereby aligning them to operate towards a common goal which is, in turn, aligned with the mission, vision & goals of the organization. This offers better clarity and visibility of QA procedure to the top management (CEOs and heads of businesses).
  • Transparent QA processes: In absence of a center of excellence there’s hardly any tracking of how much ROI you get out of your QA processes.
    TCoE offers to create a mature QA with standard tools and frameworks that ensure efficient testing cycles. And in our experience, organizations leveraging a tech partner can even achieve a reduction of up to 30% across testing cycles – this ultimately results in reduced time-to-market.
  • Lack of Standardized Processes: Without a focused practice, often organizations tend to spend unnecessary time and effort on reinventing the wheel each time and for almost every process.
    A competency center standardizes testing processes throughout the organization and further sets-up guidelines for test planning, test scripts, and test execution. As a best practice group, it facilitates the sharing of lessons learned, and automation opportunities across the group and beyond hierarchies. And this eventually leads to a reduced learning curve and eliminates chaos arising from variation in testing across projects.
  • Challenge with defect leakage and missed deliveries: It is observed across many instances that projects keep struggling because of defects not being fixed on time and at times missing out on deliverables.
    With a QA & software testing partner, organizations can stay rest assured to achieve up to 50-70% level of automation in testing and limit defect leakage to less than 2%.

Rishabh’s Prerogative – TCoE

Rishabh Software, with its extensive experience in quality assurance & testing, helps with a centralized approach with unified testing quality standards and more as part of this business consulting approach. Our capability center constitutes dynamic mobile testing professionals. They are well versed with applicable testing frameworks & utilities that help enterprises and ISVs achieve faster ROI and accelerated time-to-market. It aims to provide innovative strategic approaches with proven methodologies, test processes, and strategies aligned with your enterprise goals.

It comprises of

  • Test Consultancy
  • Testing Methodologies
  • Test Management Tools
  • Process Compliance

Also, understanding our quality assurance governance models would give you insights on how that help bridge the gap between requirements control, technical issues, and business risks. We can help you streamline testing processes and remove redundancies by setting up software testing best practices leveraging our in-house testing center of excellence.


After the global pandemic when businesses were forced to shut offices & go remote, halt innovative projects and rethink their long-term strategies, partnering emerged as a viable & resourceful option! Today outsourcing testing is big. Partnering with a company that already has in-house testing capability enables leadership teams to provide quality at low cost eventually having a better ROI. This ensures consistent and timely software delivery at a fraction of the cost.

Want to Maximize Productivity & Profits While Minimizing Overheads?

Leverage our experience & services as a TCoE for a high-quality & cost-efficient product release.