A lot has been said since iOS 9 was launched a few weeks ago. The latest OS by Apple also features a bunch of enhancements that enterprise users will greatly benefit from. Here are the top three important iOS 9 features for enterprises:
iOS 9 Feature#1 – Enterprise Application Management
One of the biggest changes observed in iOS 9 is that users will no longer require an Apple ID to install apps. This feature will offer relief to Apple users from an enterprise mobile management (EMM) perspective. In the past, these was no straight path to convert from a pre-installed app to a managed one. Users were forced to delete the pre-installed version of the app and install the managed version from the enterprise app store, which resulted in poor user experience. In iOS 9, apps can be easily converted and managed by the EMM manager. Users do not have to delete anything or deal with data loss. According to Apple, “This update offers a seamless transition for the enterprise IT teams to manage apps that are suitable for its business users.”
iOS 9 Feature#2 – Security Administration
Security is one of the primary concerns for enterprises. With iOS 9, Apple has switched from 4-digit pass codes to 6-digit passwords, which include the Touch ID fingerprint sensor-based biometrics. Additionally, iOS 9 prevents data sharing via the Air Drop feature if a user’s device is connected the work network. In situations where organizations provide devices to their employees, EMM managers are allowed to set up applications on iOS devices. Further, they can restrict the use of employee-installed apps on the enterprise network and even create virtual private networks (VPNs) for an app.
To ensure enterprise security for their apps, businesses need to collaborate with a development partner who can understand enterprise safety needs and create secure iOS applications. By implementing the requisite security policies in the enterprise app, businesses can shield themselves from cyber-attacks and protect critical organizational data.
iOS 9 Feature#3 – Productivity for Businesses
Apart from features designed for IT, iOS 9 also includes many aspects that will improve the efficiency of business workers. The first one is in the default mail application. Users will now be able to easily send and receive attachments. Before, the only attachment users could send were videos or photos. Now, documents are possible too. In addition, users can markup attachments and get name suggestions when composing a new email. Also, enterprise users will now be able to search for phone numbers by using the content of their inbox. A revamped Notes app and predictive calendar suggestions are some of the other things that employees will benefit from. Finally, with 3D touch, enterprise workers will easily be able to view content or use app features without the need to open the app or email.
While Apple may have taken a little time to profit from the opportunity presented by the lucrative enterprise market, with iOS 9, this has changed. The latest OS has surpassed industry expectations and presented a number of workplace-centric enhancements that will greatly advantage employees and enterprises alike.
Are you looking for an experienced mobile app development company who can build an iOS 9 app for your enterprise?
Talk to our experts to get the best suited iOS solution for your enterprise.