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Why Enterprises Must Pay Attention To Xamarin For Native Mobile App Development?

27 Aug 2018

Today, the world is increasingly making the transition to branch out digital platforms that help improve user experience and accessibility, owing to the next generation digital wave. With this, enterprises are contending to deliver exceptional platforms that offer an edge to their target customers over their peers in the technology world. As part of this fierce competition, Mobile Applications have been leading the race which stands as a testimony for actually combining user preferences and perception by delivering the value through unique solutions that make the real difference in user’s life.


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To that end, Xamarin has become a trusted ally for innovative cross-platform mobile applications development. This framework allows the creation of feature-rich mobile applications for multiple platforms. Xamarin mobile app development helps escalate not only profits but even supports customer retention for services. It has proved to be the best platform for making creative native apps across all three platforms (Android, iOS, and Windows). This framework offers the creation of a mobile app with Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native that allow the rapid development of native mobile apps across major platforms. Moreover, if that wasn’t enough, it also supports the seamless creation of a common sharable backend with the use of shared.Net and C# libraries.

However, Why Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native?

Xamain.Forms, stacked atop the commonly shared C# backend, enables using up to 96 percent of shared code across platforms and also delivers multiple built-in pages with more than 40 cross-platform layouts and controls. What’s more, enabling over 500,000 developers under its aegis, mobile apps with Xamarin.Forms are ranked quite high among the most used platforms for the app development. All of these stats and numbers are a testament to the benefits of Xamarin.Forms and why it would serve enterprises well.


Here’s how enterprise xamarin.Forms development helps organizations of all sizes and why they must pay close attention to its synergies to achieve the ultimate technology differentiator. Read on to know more:


  1. The native app with Xamarin design helps enterprises offer not only exceptional accessibility but also multiple device-specific features.
  2. For enterprises that are seeking to build cross-platform native mobile apps that require reduced platform-specific functionality, Xamarin.Forms are ideal. Why? Because it is ideally suited for app development, where the greater emphasis is on code sharing and not creating a custom UI.
  3. Xamarin.Forms are tailor-made to help developers with swift integration and setup. Accompanied by a wide selection of built-in pages, they make it easier for developers to share backend code with various buttons, .labels, gesture support, lists, for development of native app with Xamarin.
  4. Building mobile apps with xamarin.Forms enables developers to gain not only access to Objective-C, C++, Java, and C libraries but also add the existing Android and iOS libraries already coded in these languages.
  5. Enterprise Xamarin.Forms development not only minimize the effort required by developers but also reduce the overall development costs associated with it. Xamarin.Forms’ robust Database, Serialization, XML, string, IO, and networking support helps enterprises with a considerable amount of time and cost benefit.

As users increasingly demand responsive mobile apps, enterprises are concentrating their efforts on app performance and accessibility when they operate on different platforms. Towards this, there is no doubt that Xamarin framework will continue to empower developers who seek to pioneer the creation of feature-rich native apps running seamlessly on all major platforms. As the world is swiftly shifting to the verge of digital experience, the majority of enterprises are planning to introduce innovative platforms to set their remarks with an innovative enterprise mobile app. Moreover, even though Xamarin offers a new perspective when it comes to native or cross-platform app development, enterprises must continue to focus on enhancing their familiarity as well as competence with this framework to improve their shot at developing a successful mobile app with captivating features.

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