Category : Software Development

3 Best Practices for Front End Development

In an era where the world is becoming increasingly conscious about usability, front end development plays a very important role in the web development process. Also known as client side development, it involves both technical rigor and aesthetic sense.

Evaluating Zend Framework 2 for Web Application Development

In the recent past, enterprises chose conventional PHP systems to create web apps and develop websites. Times have changed now and developers have an array of options that help them make better enterprise apps and websites.

New Features in Drupal 8 Framework for Enterprise Users & Developers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Drupal 8 – launched on 19th November 2015, offers 200+ new features and improvements for business users and developers. Drupal 8.0 framework is built on PHP web technology.

3 Reasons Why Enterprises Should Migrate their Legacy Applications

Organizations world over are facing unique challenges; from a turbulent economy that causes an increase in the maintenance cost of proprietary technologies, to high staff turnover and application integration issues with mobile and big data.