Category : DevOps

Benefits of Infrastructure as Code for Enterprises

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is fast becoming a strategic imperative for the success of cloud strategy because it helps teams govern cloud infrastructures more efficiently. The surge in cloud-native apps has led organizations to codify their cloud assets (such as Kubernetes clusters, IAM, S3 storage, and more) into infrastructure-as-code using tools like Terraform.

Benefits of Containerization: Why Businesses Should Consider it?

Containerization has become a major buzzword in cloud computing. Considered as a natural evolution of virtualization, it is much more granular and flexible while breaking down the operating system into chunks for efficient usage.

Build Confidence in Your Deployment with Automation Testing in CI/CD Pipeline

Today, software development processes have become more agile. What matters now is a quicker time to release made possible with DevOps. Testing is a critical component of all the release cycles today. And, the integration of automated testing. It entails the transformation of almost everything from building a culture to providing workflow efficiency with the right testing focus and processes to tools & technologies.

DevSecOps Strategy: How to Embed ‘Security as Code’ At Every Step

DevOps and Security: A complete overview of the DevSecOps approach, how to implement it, its benefits, components, best practices, challenges, tools & use cases.

DevOps Testing Strategy: Best Practices, Benefits & Tools

DevOps helps automate and simplify the overall software delivery process. And, while testing is a critical and ever-evolving component of every SDLC, there is a significant focus to structure a DevOps testing strategy.

DevOps in Financial Services: All You Need to Know

In today’s digital world, it is important to quickly adapt to market trends to stay relevant in the business. This holds for the financial services sector, where there is a greater need to exceed the customer expectations while providing uninterrupted services.

Key DevOps Trends and Predictions For 2021

DevOps as a practice enables organizations to develop and deploy software faster and more efficiently. Strong collaboration between software engineers, operations personnel, and other stakeholders helps achieve growth and success.

Boosting Business in the Cloud with DevOps

The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed unprecedented circumstances on businesses to adapt to a new "normal." And, with this, even IT businesses are under scrutiny for their agility to deliver software products and services. Hence, today the need of DevOps has become more prominent than ever and through this article, we aim to highlight specific benefits that can incentivize customers to migrate with DevOps in the cloud in their adoption journey.