Category : Case Studies

Java based Custom Investigation Management Software [CASE STUDY]

With rising online fraudulent activities in Finance, our client wanted to automate investigation process and deliver faster case resolution. We developed a custom investigation management solution using Java technologies and followed CMMI 3 processes to adhere with the standard development norms.

Custom Drupal Solution Developed to Manage Multiple Domains [CASE STUDY]

Managing a single website is easy, but managing a single database for multiple websites becomes a major pain point for web content management. We developed a custom Drupal portal to manage various fund raising websites for a global humanitarian organization.

Cloud Based Mobile Money Transfer Solution Developed Using Azure And Xamarin [CASE STUDY]

A mobile money transaction platform was developed for a digital enterprise based in Europe. They offer various banking and financial transaction management services. The solution is built using Microsoft Azure and Xamarin cross platform application development technology.

Custom iOS News App Development To Deliver Engaging User Experience [CASE STUDY]

A custom iOS news app was developed for a US based client who aggregates & distributes information, to keep users informed about the latest news in North America, Europe & Asia.