Category : Mobile App

Essentials Of OTT App Development

In this article, we will provide you with a complete checklist to develop & deploy a lucrative OTT app for your brand.

Top Benefits of Developing Android App to SkyRocket Your Business Ideas

Through this blog, we will explore the benefits of developing an Android app and help you discover ways in which you can stay competitive and relevant in the current times.

Xamarin vs React Native: Decoding the Differences

The world of mobile app development has some great tools that support enterprises and startups in their digital journeys. Xamarin and React Native are two such popular frameworks that businesses often rely on. Though, the constant tussle between the two often doesn’t define a clear winner since both have their advantages.

Progressive Web Application Development: Why Businesses Should Care

Imagine a website that offers a seamless smartphone user experience without needing you to develop across all different platforms. Progressive Web App gives you a speedy, immersive and a more reliable version of your website. And just like a native app, it can operate offline and access your microphone, GPS and camera if necessary, offering all the benefits of a mobile app on your website. All this and more to eventually provide you higher conversion rates & better customer satisfaction.