Category : Mobile App

Mobile Enterprise Application Platform: Challenges, Models and Platforms

Mobile enterprise application deployment is strategic for enterprises today. It’s rare that ‘work’ is actually carried out at a traditional desk, in a traditional office on a traditional desktop computer anymore. With the technology landscape evolving, many executives perform a range of business tasks on the most advanced device on the move.

5 Must Have iPad Apps for Sales Reps

Today it’s no more just the tablet used for checking mail, watching videos or browsing the web, but instead this revolutionary gadget is a platform of apps for sales reps to increase their productivity and efficiency at work.

How Enterprise Mobile Apps Revolutionizing the Business Processes

The real purpose of enterprise mobile apps is to help employees’ complete tasks quickly, accurately, and more efficiently. Mobile enterprise applications are used today to simplify various business processes & increase productivity.

How Mobile Sales CRM Apps Improve Sales Productivity

Sales reps have to be extraordinarily organized in this rapid challenging environment. There’s a requirement of a mobile sales app that helps to ease the sales operation or that first meeting with a client might not go anywhere if you don’t remember to follow up in a timely manner.